About Sally

IMG_0004 (2)I am a counselor who works with individual adults in the areas of life transitions (especially sudden, radical life change), grief and loss and disability issues.  My work with groups has included developing and facilitating grief and loss groups for organizations as well as facilitating and co-facilitating grief recovery support groups in the community.  I have also created and run numerous workshops and seminars for both professional and community groups.  Topics for these have included stress management, wellness, boundaries, self-esteem, adjusting to life change and recognizing and responding to grief.  As a sessional instructor at the Justice Institute of B.C., I created and taught a course addressing grief and loss arising from disability and co-created and co-taught a course about person-centered practice.

I’m am a member in good standing and am certified with The Canadian Counseling & Psychotherapy Association.
About Sally: Heart motifMy life changed within a few days one summer when rare complications to mononucleosis led to permanent paralysis.  I became quadriplegic and began the long journey of coming to terms with that.  My healing process eventually brought me to the realization that holding on to what is gone and resisting what is here and now only defeats life.  This allowed me to accept the fact that it just doesn’t always go where you had planned.  With that acceptance I started traveling lighter.  Life became easier, bigger and brighter.

I enjoy writing and my work has been published in the print magazines Spirituality & Health and Grief Digest.  My articles, stories, poetry desi_bedand original quotes have been in several online ezines and various newsletters.  I’m a big fan of ocean surfing; I like to grow wildly colourful flower gardens; I love kites and anything else that twirls and flutters in the wind and I’m captivated by all cats big and small, wild and domestic.  I seem to always have at least one of the domestic version around to run my life.

Sally Scott, M.A., CCC