don’t be chained to expectations


Expectations are tricky.  They can provide a sense of structure in the chaotic aftermath of adversity but becoming too attached to them can cause additional distress.

You can be rigid or fluid with expectations.  If you are rigid with them you have given them a lot of importance and you’re strongly invested in meeting them.  This may compel you to keep your attention and energy focused on making your healing journey go where your mind thinks it should.  But your mind is only one aspect of the whole you.

When control gets too heavy handed, it suffocates the mysterious voice of your deepest wisdom.  Innate in the heart of your consciousness, this is the force that guides you to health and wholeness.  This is the home of mystery, which when revealed to you, teaches you like no other teacher can.

It’s hard to proceed with anything without a plan so make one if that is helpful to you, but embrace it lightly.  Learn to be fluid and loosen your hold on plans and expectations.  Then when the journey goes a different way, you can let them go and open to the mystery.  In time you will learn to trust it and rest safely in it and allow it to take you where you need to go.

Heart motif
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