take rest stops


Energy is your most important resource.  What you have in your reserves is what you’ve got to power you through your day.  At today’s pace, your daily activities can tap your entire supply.  Going through a healing process adds to the demand even more.

When you feel your supply getting low, don’t wait until you hit empty.  Take a rest stop.  Devote some time to a healthy activity or practice that replenishes your reserves.

Rest stops can last a minute, a weekend, a month or more.  You may take one or several during your day.  Their purpose is always to restore energy and revitalize you.

To create rest stops that work well for you, choose things you enjoy that benefit your whole health (a must!).  Be willing to make time for them – no rushing!  Choose things that will elevate supply enough to meet demand.

Keep your energy supply healthy.  Make rest stops a vital part of your everyday life.

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