be open to discovery


Being open to discovery is not always easy during a process of healing.  And yet, it’s essential that you find a way to allow this openness to occur.

Pain instantaneously makes us want to recoil into a place of safety.  Unlike the snail, we don’t come with a protective shell, so we create one.  We construct whatever walls we need to keep pain out.

The first steps of healing are hard.  They lead you away from the familiar into the newness of change.  They take you away from the safe confines of your protection and move you into a different relationship with the world.  The direction they take you in is not always clear.  The path they travel stretches ahead into the unknown.

The difficult steps are taken with a reluctance rooted in fear.  Healing will take you through pain, yes, but it does not hurt you.  It expands you into the wholeness of self and the fullness of life.

Find a safe place in which to become open to discovery.  Use only gentle means delivered from a caring source to help you shed the fears that keep you closed.  Abundant joy awaits you.  Healing can connect you to it only to the extent that you are willing to soften the walls surrounding you and venture beyond them.

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