notice what you’re drawn to


One thing we want above all else is to be in a state of balance.  What we sometimes don’t appreciate is that there is healthy balance and unhealthy balance.  You can make your life work with either one.  The difference between the two is that unhealthy balance is fragile and precarious.  It’s doomed to deteriorate until it disintegrates.  Healthy balance is strong, solid and perpetually builds on itself.

Healing is a push to health, but in the unfolding of your process, you may be drawn to choices that take you away from well being.  This can happen when pain and fear rise up too high and you feel compelled to escape them.  It’s important therefore, to notice what you’re drawn to.  Discern with your honest inner knowing whether it is something that will further your healing or detract from it.

Then make a choice for healthy balance.

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