practice gentle acceptance


You will sometimes find yourself in places you don’t want to be on your route through healing.  It hurts when you are confronted with troubling aspects of yourself and your life.  You don’t want to go there.

When you see these things you don’t like, your first response is to defend yourself.  You want to escape, detour around them.  But, there are no detours on the healing path.  There are only changes in direction.  They might look the same, but they’re very different.

Paradoxically, healing asks that you accept absolutely where you are on the journey, no matter where that is or how much it hurts to be there.  There is only one place to start from at any given time and that is wherever you truly are.  If you keep running away from that place, then you never get started and you never progress.

Throughout your journey, practice gentle acceptance of yourself and your life – in all its parts.  When you reach a painful place, adopt an attitude of curiosity rather than confrontation.  If you feel threatened there, gather the safety you need around you so that you can be in that place, learn from it, heal it and move onward.

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