shed your shame


Most of us don’t think twice about going to see our family doctor about a physical ailment.  When it comes to seeking help for our emotional distress though, many people feel a reluctance that has its roots in shame.

The concept of health being more than physical health is relatively new.  In the 1980’s we started to hear about the mind body connection.  Now we hear about the mind body spirit connection.  The idea that health has to do with taking care of all these aspects of ourselves is becoming widely recognized.  Still, we are slow to adapt to new ways of thinking.  Old ideas that you are weak and a little weird and scary if you go to a “head doctor” still linger.

Shed any shame you feel about working with a professional for your emotional healing.  You are taking care of your whole health!  In doing so, you recognize and honour yourself as a whole human being.  There is nothing weak or shameful about that!  That is how you come into the fullness of who you are.

Heart motif
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