take risks thoughtfully


Much of healing is like an exploratory mission.  We search for understanding about why we are the way we are.  As we try to get insight into why we do the things we do, we work at unraveling the connections between our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Understanding and insight are valuable assets and well worth pursuing.  The more we have of them, the more power we have to change.  Alone though, they are not enough.  We have to act on them.

You will reach many crossroads as you heal; points at which you have the opportunity to do something new.  The only way we truly learn new ways of being in the world is to experience a new situation or go through an old one in a new way.  That can be risky business.

When you go forward at a crossroad, take the risk thoughtfully.  Be aware of what you anticipate.  Make sure you have what you need for safe passage should what lies ahead not be what you expected.

The healing journey is not complete without risks.  Taking them thoughtfully creates positive change, no matter where they lead.

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