category: Tips to Ease the Healing Journey

find your balance blend

  Creating the right mix of stimulation and calmness in your life is an important part of the healing journey.  You already have some fusion of action and downtime that is your current life balance.  The question is, is it healthy? Is there too much or too little...

express gratitude

  Gratitude is an amazing healer.  Every expression of thanks causes a little shift.  Your attention moves away from the darkness in your life to the light shining in it.  You may feel grateful for something that seems trivial.  The feeling may last no longer...

don’t be chained to expectations

  Expectations are tricky.  They can provide a sense of structure in the chaotic aftermath of adversity but becoming too attached to them can cause additional distress. You can be rigid or fluid with expectations.  If you are rigid with them you have given them a...

take care of your body

  As you do your healing work, you may discover that your relationship with your body is in need of healing.  This makes sense considering that mind body and soul are interconnected.  What affects one part affects the whole. Healing brings into being a stronger,...

notice beauty

  Beauty is often obscured by the shadow of our troubles during hard times.  As much as it may seem so, it has not vanished from the world.  Its presence has simply become unnoticed. Beauty does sometimes come to us and jolt our eyes open in a breathtaking...

have fun

  Sometimes having fun is the biggest gift of healing you can give yourself.  It fills you with positive energy.  It rejuvenates you - mind, body and soul!  It makes your heart feel full and content, and in that feeling, you carry a reminder that the life you are...

create comfort

  It’s important to have comfort on the healing journey.  Healing asks that you pass through many trials along the way.  It asks that you dip into your well of resilience and call forth your strength and courage.  At times the well gets low. Whether large, medium...

practice gentle acceptance

  You will sometimes find yourself in places you don’t want to be on your route through healing.  It hurts when you are confronted with troubling aspects of yourself and your life.  You don't want to go there. When you see these things you don't like, your first...

shed your shame

  Most of us don’t think twice about going to see our family doctor about a physical ailment.  When it comes to seeking help for our emotional distress though, many people feel a reluctance that has its roots in shame. The concept of health being more than...

take risks thoughtfully

  Much of healing is like an exploratory mission.  We search for understanding about why we are the way we are.  As we try to get insight into why we do the things we do, we work at unraveling the connections between our thoughts, feelings and actions....

craft your life

  When you embark on a healing journey, don’t think of it as an attempt to fix what’s wrong with you.  If you do, you are starting off with the belief that you are in some way lacking.  That’s extra weight that sinks you down even more. Tweak your focus a little...

share your care

  Caring for someone or something can be tremendously healing.  But, when you are depleted you may barely have energy to care for yourself.  Be kind to yourself about this.  Soak up the caring that comes from others until you are able to share your care, even if...

be open to discovery

  Being open to discovery is not always easy during a process of healing.  And yet, it’s essential that you find a way to allow this openness to occur. Pain instantaneously makes us want to recoil into a place of safety.  Unlike the snail, we don’t come with a...

have a sanctuary

  Ah… solace.  We all need it.  Just as your mind tires from the incredible information processing it does all day long, so does your soul become weary from the sorrows of life it observes each day.  Never do you need to engage in a daily restorative practice...

cultivate energy awareness

  Healing is work.  It takes effort.  It takes energy!  There are going to be times when you make great strides.  There will be others when you get little farther than nowhere.  There will be others still when you just sit at nowhere and don't move. When your...

work with yourself

  As you heal you need a friend.  That friend is you. When you start out on your journey you might not be feeling too good about yourself.  Your self-esteem may have taken a blow, leaving you with shaky confidence, doubts about your worth and even questions about...

notice what you’re drawn to

  One thing we want above all else is to be in a state of balance.  What we sometimes don’t appreciate is that there is healthy balance and unhealthy balance.  You can make your life work with either one.  The difference between the two is that unhealthy balance...

take rest stops

  Energy is your most important resource.  What you have in your reserves is what you've got to power you through your day.  At today’s pace, your daily activities can tap your entire supply.  Going through a healing process adds to the demand even more. When you...

have patience

The healing path has many twists and turns. It doesn’t go in a nice straight line, up, up, up. There are bumps and ruts, valleys and switchbacks. The route it follows is different for everyone. Getting frustrated with the process and yourself only adds to your load on an already challenging journey. Healing is a natural process that cannot be rushed or forced. Keep a commitment to travel your path and learn patience to follow it one step at a time!

appreciate your progress

  Every now and then it's good to take some quiet time to appreciate the progress you've made in your healing.  Doing this is healing in itself!  It helps you see the positive changes you have created in yourself and your life.  It affirms your strength and...

Heart motif